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Automation and Industry 4.0: Inpeco Group invests in biomedical technological research collaborating with The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Publication date: 29.11.2018
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Inpeco Group, the Swiss multinational leader in the design, development and production of automation systems for clinical analysis laboratories, has started a research collaboration together with The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy). The project focuses on the development of innovative solutions in line with the principles of automation and industry 4.0.
The research activity, with a multi-year duration, foresees an initial 3.5 million euros funding by INPECO. It will involve a dedicated team of about 30 researchers of The BioRobotics Institute and will be carried out entirely at the Pontedera (Pisa) facility. The collaboration consists in the development of a joint laboratory, where advanced automation and robotics systems will be developed to ensure total traceability of samples and data, thus making the analysis process more effective and removing the risk of human error. It is therefore an agreement aiming to develop technologies that support professionals in the analysis process and to reduce potentially dangerous diagnostic errors.

This collaboration will support the Institute in the development of a new research line called Advanced Laboratory Automation that will constructively combine the benefits of the scientific skills of researchers with the precision and repeatability of automated machines.

“In Inpeco's DNA there has always been the will to innovate -  declares Gian Andrea Pedrazzini, President of the Inpeco Group - The meeting with such a prestigious and authoritative reality in the European context as the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna immediately stimulated us to deepen a collaboration that promises interesting technological and research developments for healthcare. For us, the international network of researchers at the Sant’Anna School is a further guarantee of global vision and expertise”.

“Inpeco's vision - says Christian Cipriani, Director of The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - has fascinated us since the very beginning and could only be welcomed with enthusiasm on our part. The joint laboratory will allow us to explore and rapidly create a critical mass in a practically unexplored field of research, which has ample room for development, with enormous impacts on analysis processes, and therefore on healthcare”.